Ultrasonic Leak Detection
Ultrasonic Leak Detection
Compressed air systems are typically large energy users and there are often quick and easy savings to be made, in particular finding and rectifying air leaks.
Ultrasonic leak detection enables leaks to be identified from a distance and in noisy environments and therefore does not require normal operations to be stopped. This is of huge benefit to manufacturing sites, as often compressed air lines are found at height or behind guarded areas or are just difficult to hear due to the background noise. Typically this means that without ultrasonic leak detection, production would need to be stopped to gain access and listen for leaks.
We provide a full ultrasonic leak detection service where leaks are found and tagged. We then provide a report detailing the cost and energy consumption for each leak found. This allows the client to prioritise the order in which leaks are fixed first therefore ensuring the largest savings are made in the shortest time.